京都・鷹ヶ峰に今秋オープンした ROKU KYOTO, LXR Hotels & Resortsにて、
ROKU KYOTO, LXR Hotels & Resorts opened in Takagamine, Kyoto.
We were in charge of artwork consulting.
琳派発祥の地に完成したROKU KYOTO, LXR Hotels & Resorts。漆・竹・織・染・陶など、京都で培われた伝統工芸の作品をアライバルエリア、レストラン、スパ、そしてすべての客室廊下に展示しております。光と風、静寂、生命の息吹を感じるアート&クラフトの数々。ROKU KYOTOからのメッセージをどうぞ五感でお楽しみください。
Nature viewed through contemporary arts and traditional crafts
Created in the birthplace of the Rinpa school ROKU KYOTO, LXR Hotels & Resorts. Traditional crafts made in Kyoto are exhibited in the reception area, restaurant, spa and in all guest room corridors. These include works made from lacquer, bamboo, weaving, dyeing and pottery. In contemplating these works you can sense light, wind, silence, and the very breath of life. Please enjoy this message from ROKU KYOTO with all five senses.
The beauty of lacquer reflects nature’s abundance
Clouds, lightning, the brilliance of the horizon, tiny fluctuations on the water’s surface – the lacquer works on display express the natural beauty of the heavens and earth. Behind the front area is a wall/art-work made from lacquered wooden blocks of various colors and textures, stacked in a stratum-like formation. In the center of the lobby, the art is inspired by one of the most famous examples of Rinpa painting, the Wind God and Thunder God (Fujin and Raijin). These designs were made by imagining how such Rinpa masters as Tawaraya Sotatsu, Ogata Korin, and Sakai Hoitsu (who drew Fujin and Raijin by anthropomorphizing natural phenomena) might draw if they lived today. Enjoy your time here in tranquility, forgetting the stresses of the world.
Savor the fluctuation of water and light
In the sofa space facing the basin of the TEA HOUSE these art panels represent the surface of water rippling in the wind. The reflecting light flickers amid the greenery of the trees in the garden, gently connecting the outdoors with indoors. Relax here with a cup of tea while appreciating the ever-changing scenery.
The beauty of bamboo craftsmanship merges with the space
When you step in, the first thing you notice is the large bamboo artwork displayed in the center of the restaurant. This traditional technique employs madake bamboo native to Kyoto. The bamboo is then heated and bent to express the strength and suppleness of the material. Behind the seats are objects lined up to resemble net baskets. Each bamboo piece is carefully selected and aligned, then delicately assembled – a fine example of an artwork which respects the natural beauty of its material.
客室の廊下には、江戸時代から受け継がれてきた京唐紙の伝統的文様を用いたアートワークが並びます。各棟のテーマは、自然をモチーフに「雲」「波」「草」「花」、そして風やエネルギーなど「目に見えないもの」。4つの文様を彫り入れた版木で構成されたパネルは、それぞれの文様の意味とストーリーを内在。一つ一つ異なる表情をもち、異なるメッセージを語りかけます。ROKU KYOTOオリジナル文様の唐紙で仕立てたアートパネルも見どころです。この文様は、縁起が良いとされる「八」角形をベースとし、現代の感覚に寄り添い、どのような空間にも溶け込むよう、幾何学的でモダンなデザインに仕上げました。
Messages created from traditional Kyo Karakami woodblock design
The corridors of the guestroom buildings are decorated with artworks using traditional patterns of Kyo Karakami. Each building has a different theme derived from traditional motifs of the Edo period. These include nature (“clouds”, “waves”, “grass” and “flowers”) or “invisible things” such as wind and energy. Each panel is made up of woodblocks carved out of four patterns, each pattern representing its own meaning, story, expression and messages. The ROKU KYOTO original karakami art panels are another highlight. Made from the ROKU KYOTO original pattern, the base of these works is octagonal – a traditionally auspicious geometric design that works well with contemporary sensibilities and spaces.
Deep repose springs from the beauty of silence
A variety of works are quietly scattered around, including a stone garden made from Kanmuri stones. The elevator hall displays an art panel depicting deep sea bubbles merging with the light on the surface of the water. This panel was made using the traditional Kyo Kanoko Shibori squeezing technique. In the corridor leading to the treatment room, notice the Raden art panel – the contemporary geometric pattern made of rainbow-colored shells is placed on a rosy-colored panel.
Woven Zen beauty
Nishijin-ori weaving, a highly-prized traditional Kyoto textile. These woven art panels represent a kare-sansui (or Japanese rock garden) over different times of day from sunrise to sunset. The intricate weaving expresses time as it slowly and gently flows during meditation at a Zen temple.
The new look of Nishijin-ori weaving
Nishijin-ori weaving, one of Kyoto’s great traditional crafts, adorns the interior of the SUITE. The art panel inspired by the motif of fine ripples on the water’s surface as illuminated by the new moon is on the wall. The art work portrays the same basin seen from the suite’s window. The bed head panel depicts shadows floating on the water created by white and gold threads of different thickness.
The Evolution of Traditional Crafts
The shelves of public areas and guestrooms display a range of traditional pieces: bamboo works intricately tied with the Kyoto’s traditional tea ceremony, wood and metal sake sets by master-craftsmen specializing in Buddhist ceremonial objects, and jewelry boxes made by a hyogu mounting-master who restores national treasure-class works of art. The pottery on display is mixture of new and old: contemporary Kyoto-ware made with various colors, textures and materials in addition to Kiyomizu-ware that had been dormant in Kyoto’s Gojozaka climbing kiln for more than 50 years. In these exquisite works both the history and present age of Kyoto coexist in perfect harmony. In this selection of artworks, we can contemplate a range of styles which transcends the limits of conventional traditional craftsmanship.