
鈴箱Bell box

  • *
  • * 2024


A shrine bell made from metal Buddhist altar equipment.

size: φ90.H120mm
materials: 真鍮 Brass
price: ¥34,000+tax


  • *
  • * 2023


Flower plates used for Buddhist rituals are perfect for decorating contemporary interior spaces.

size: W280.H40.L280mm
materials: 真鍮 Brass
price: ¥18,000+tax

株式会社作島Sakushima Co.,Ltd.


SAKUSHIMA was established in Kyoto in 1932 as a manufacturer and wholesaler of Buddhist altar fittings . Through Buddhist altar fittings stores nationwide, the company delivers a wide variety of new and restored Buddhist altars to temples and head temples throughout Japan. In the workshop, they continue to produce a variety of Buddhist altarware as a spiritual support for the Japanese people, mainly using materials such as copper, brass, stainless steel, and aluminum. SAKUSHIMA would also like to contribute to the healing and enrichment of the hearts of people outside temples by creating products which make people feel gentle, calm, and peaceful.


〒600-8046京都市下京区御幸町通高辻下ル桝屋町472472 Masuya-cho, Takatsuji-kudaru, Gokomachi-dori, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, 600-8046 Japan

Tel : +81 075-341-3241 Fax : +81 075-343-0428
Mail : icw.kyoto21@gmail.com
