
螺鈿「銀河」Lacquerware with seashells “Galaxy”

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  • * 2024


A piece decorated with cherry blossom-shaped mother-of-pearl, gold and platinum beads scattered over a carefully applied layer of lacquer.

size: W300.H900.L5mm
materials: アルミ板、ウレタン、螺鈿、金粉、プラチナ紛
Aluminum board,Urethane,Shell(Abalone),Gold powder,Platinum powder
price: ¥700,000+tax

螺鈿アートパネルRADEN artpanel kintsugi

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  • * 2023


An art panel in which mother-of-pearl inlay is applied to different textures of lacquer in the style of kintsugi (metal joints).

size: W300.H600.L5mm
materials: アルミ板、ウレタン、螺鈿、金粉、プラチナ紛
Aluminum board,Urethane,Shell(Abalone),Gold powder,Platinum powder
price: ¥500,000+tax

螺鈿アートパネル kintsugiRADEN artpanel kintsugi

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  • * 2022


An art panel in which mother-of-pearl inlay is applied to different textures of lacquer in the style of kintsugi (metal joints).

size: W200.H600.L5mm
materials: 漆,鮑貝,アルミ板,金粉,プラチナ粉 Lacquer,Shell(Abalone),Aluminum,Gold powder,Platinum powder
price: ¥300,000+tax

螺鈿アートパネル stardustRADEN artpanel stardust

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  • * 2021


An art which uses Raden (mother-of-pearl inlay) to evoke the night sea reflecting stardust falling in the jet-black night sky.

size: W300.H300.L5
materials: 漆,貝殻,アルミ Lacquer,Shell,Aluminum

螺鈿アートパネルRADEN artpanel

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  • * 2020


An art panel expressing the surface of water with a raden decorative technique inlaid on the lacquer.

size: W300.H300.L5
materials: 漆,貝殻,アルミ Lacquer,Shell,Aluminum



Saga Raden Nomura is the only company in Kyoto that manufactures and sells Aogai and Raden. Raden is a decorative technique used in lacquerware. It uses a thin, rainbow-colored layer of mother-of-pearl cut from the shell and inlaid into the lacquer. From base-painting to decoration, Saga Nomura Raden takes at least 3 months to complete the 60-100 process. The product manufacture is based on "special technology in pursuit of brilliance and thinness."


〒616-8422京都府京都市右京区嵯峨釈迦堂大門町2626 Sagashakado Daimon-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto, 616-8422 Japan

Tel : +81 075-871-4353 Fax : +81 075-871-4353


伝統工芸士:野村守Made by Nomura Mamoru (Traditional Craftsman)