
綴れ織松葉タペストリーTapestry Tsuzure-ori

  • * 2019
    * 2019


Matsuba - Pine needles – Marital bond
Inseparable in pairs, even when falling, pine needles symbolize marital harmony.

size: W180.H1800
materials: 絹,銀糸 Silk,Silveryarn



Tsumekaki hon tsuzure ori (weaving by scratching with nails) is a type of Nishijin Textile, a traditional and very special weaving technique entirely using manpower. The craftsman uses the toe like a comb, scratching yarn and weaving a pattern, like drawing a picture. Since its establishment in 1985 in Kyoto, HAKURYUAN KATSUYAMA has been devoted to developing Tsumekaki hon tsuzure ori techniques and transmitting the values of authentic craftsmanship. In recent years, HAKURYUAN KATSUYAMA has reinforced its market development in new fields such as interior design and architecture, as well as overseas opportunities for utilizing Tsumekaki hon tsuzure ori.


〒602-8257京都市上京区中立売通大宮東入新元町226226 Shinmoto-cho, Higashiiru, Oomiya, Nakadachiuri-dori, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto, 602-8257 Japan

Tel : +81 075-441-3303 Fax : +81 075-415-1122
