EMURA SHOTEN’S traditional fabric is layered with the company's best-selling stencil dyeing patterns (gold and silver) to create large glass panels. The shifting shadows and light create three beautiful glass partitions.
size: | (folded)W520.H1974.L355mm (extended)W1560.H1974.L43mm |
materials: | 無垢木材(オーク)、鉄、硝子、絹 Solid wood(Oak),Iron,Glass,Silk |
price: | ¥1,440,000+tax |
This silk glass object d’art enhances any interior. The use of shimmering, deep and varied shades of blue is directly inspired by the glow of the aurora borealis in the night sky.
size: | W900.H1200.L1710mm |
materials: | 絹,ガラス,エポキシ樹脂 Silk,Glass,Epoxy resin |
price: | ¥350,000+tax |
attention: | 1点物のため、生地の色・柄は全て異なります。 The colors and patterns of the fabrics are all different. |
A table setting created with laminated glass of various sizes, stacked on top of each other. The arrangement further enhances the beauty of the cutlery and the sweets to be served.
size: | (large)W300.H180.L10 |
materials: | 絹,硝子 Silk,Glass |
WA (tie - match)
Cherish the harmonized ties of Japanese Culture –Revealing wa and the beauty of tying, by connecting and overlaying glass and kimono textiles.
materials: | 絹,硝子 Silk,Glass |
Since its establishment in 1917 in Kyoto, EMURA SHOUTEN has been working under the yagô (family brand name) of Wa (和). Referring to a Japanese cultural concept, this character is usually translated into English as “harmony,” which implies a peaceful unity and conformity within a community. Emura Shouten’s primary activity is as a kimono wholesaler, employing white fabric (Shiro-Kiji),Oshima Tsumugi, Yûki Tsumugi, or Echigo textiles, among others, to produce the famous Kyo-Kimono. In addition, the company has also started making Yûzen-Utsuwa and Nishijin-Utsuwa wares, by integrating kimono textiles into glass or a glass plate. Developing, blending and accepting the New while honoring the Old, EMURA SHOUTEN perfectly fuses modern culture and traditional industries, while preserving the core of the wa spirit.
〒600-8446京都市下京区高辻通新町西入堀之内町282番地282 Horinouchi-cho, Nishiiru, Shinmachi, Takatsuji-dori, Simogyo-ku, Kyoto, 600-8446 Japan
Tel : +81 075-341-5291 Fax : +81 075-351-3737
Mail : kimono@emura-shouten.com