Espresso cups made from a traditional “tsubotsubo” vessel and featuring an ami-e pattern all over them.
size: | φ65.H50mm |
materials: | 陶器 Pottery |
price: | ¥4,500+tax |
楽焼の柔らかな色合いと温かみのある独特な素材感は、茶席から割烹まで日本の食を彩る。その窯元として90 年余り京都・醍醐寺の畔で陶芸制作を行う。
The soft colors and warm, unique texture of Raku ware add color to the Japanese dining table, from the tea ceremony to Japanese cuisine. DAIGO GAMA KILN has been making pottery at the foot of Daigoji Temple in Kyoto for over 90 years.
〒601-1325京都市伏見区醍醐東大路町20-520-5 DaigoHigashioji-cho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto, 601-1325 Japan
Tel : +81 075-571-0061 Fax : +81 075-571-0061